Real Assets, Inflation & Portfolio Performance
How should investors be thinking about inflation risk and their real asset allocations going forward?
The Institutional Advisory & Solutions (IAS) team conducts client research that focuses on asset allocation, portfolio construction, real assets, and manager allocation & selection.
How should investors be thinking about inflation risk and their real asset allocations going forward?
Since 2022, private asset distributions have weakened. Understand how this impacts CIO’s commitment pacing, liquidity risk and asset allocations.
Since 2022, private asset distributions have weakened. Understand how this impacts CIO’s commitment pacing, liquidity risk and asset allocations.
There is growing interest in collective defined contribution schemes as pension systems adapt to changing economics and demographics.
IAS's Fair Comparison framework uncovers the real-world performance of private assets, comparing private and public assets on a consistent risk-adjusted basis.
In comparing CAPE model specifications (1/CAPE – 10y US Treasury real yield) has been the best way to incorporate CAPE in estimating future 10y stock returns.
PGIM IAS examines how greater scale both enables and pushes investors to allocate differently, with implications for governance as well as investment outcomes.
How responsible investing funds differ in their portfolio construction approaches, revealing divergent green transition approaches and performance outcomes.
How should investors be thinking about inflation risk and their real asset allocations going forward?
Be wary of economic growth sensitivities in your real asset portfolios if the economic environment were to be stagflationary.
There are four elements to successful real assets investing: sensitivities, investment horizon, estimation uncertainty and economic outlook.
Do high active risk equity portfolio managers realize a higher (or lower) IR compared to low active risk managers?
Using the IAS fair comparison framework, this publication explores the impact of choices an investor in private markets must make.
Introducing the Manager Allocation Programming (MAP) tool to help CIOs efficiently combine managers of different strategies.
IAS’ Michelle Teng discusses recent trends in the commercial real estate market with PGIM Real Estate Head of Americas Investment Research, Lee Menifee.
IAS’s Junying Shen discusses recent trends, risks and opportunities in private credit with PGIM Private Capital’s Head of Investor Relations for Alternatives.
IAS’s Aili Chen discusses recent trends, risks and opportunities in the secondary private equity market with Montana Capital Partners, Dr. Christoph Jackel.
IAS’ original MBA-style case studies designed to address challenges from the perspective of an institutional CIO, such as liquidity risk with allocations to illiquid private assets, performance and liquidity tradeoffs in the portfolio and overall asset allocation decisions.
By Dr. Michelle (Yu) Teng
Dr. Noah Weisberger, Managing Director of Institutional Advisory & Solutions at PGIM, joins Nasdaq TradeTalks with Jill Malandrino.
Noah Weisberger, Managing Director, Institutional Advisory and Solutions at PGIM featured on Nasdaq TradeTalks Panel.
Bruce Phelps, Head of IAS at PGIM, joins the CFA Institute to discuss why comparing private and public asset class reported performance can be misleading.
Vice President
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Principal, Co-Head of
Private Assets Research Program
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Co-Head of Private Assets Research Program
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Head of IAS
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PGIM does not establish or operate pension plans.